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DAYS 1-3: La Paz City & Valley

DAYS 4-6: Cordillera Real & Yungas Cloud Forest

DAYS 7-10: Madidi Lowland Tropical Rainforest

DAYS 11-14: Beni Pampas Grasslands

DAYS 15-17: Lake Titicaca Basin

DAYS 17-18: La Paz City & Valley


We take you to six major ecosystems of the Central Andes: Humid puna, Dry puna, Inter-andean valley, Yungas cloud forest, Pampas, Humid lowland montane rainforest. We begin in the high, arid inter-andean valley where the city of La Paz is located and then we travel to the spectacular Cloud Forests to the northeast, crossing the Cordillera Real and dropping into the Yungas of La Paz. After three days in the cloud forests observing the region's incredibly high diversity of birds, butterflies and amphibians, we return to La Paz for a 45 minute flight to Rurrenabaque, gateway to Madidi National Park and the Beni Pampas.  You will spend 4 days on the rivers and in the rainforests of Madidi chasing macaws and monkeys before heading off to the vast Beni grasslands with gallery forests lining the waterways. After returning to La Paz, its off to the northern altiplano visiting the natural areas and traditional communities on the shores of Lake Titicaca. 

Biodiversity Expedition 2013: Map & Itinerary

Sendas Altas SRL 2013, all rights reserved

Andes Amazon Biodiversity Expeditions are designed and operated by Sendas Altas, SRL.

400 Prolongacion Posnanski

Miraflores, La Paz


Tel. +591-71543918


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