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Steffen Reichle, PhD Biology

Jose Balderamma, MSc Biology

Yuvinka Gareca, Lic. Biology

Yuvinka Gareca holds a Licenciatura in Biological Sciences and has studied diurnal butterflies in Bolivia and beyond for more than 10 years. Yuvinka has carried out field research in many of Bolivia's ecosystems and has helped to increase the species list for Bolivia and published the first list of diurnal butterflies for the country.  She has written various articles and other publications about mariposas, including the description of new species and subspecies for Bolivia. Yuvinka is currently editing a hand-held field guide to 40 common butterflies from the South Yungas region in the department of La Paz, habiatat for an estimated 1500 species. 

Languages: Spanish, English and German

José Balderamma has been fascinated by the study and conservation of Andean birds and their habitats since an early age. José has carried out bird surveys and applied research and conservation projects throughout Bolivia. He has published various notes and articles in both Bolivia and in international scientific journals. He is the author of the Guide to the Birds of Lake Alalay as well as for Tunari National Park, both in Cochabamba. He also prepared the chapter on birds for the most recent edition (2012) of the Red Book for Vertebrates of Bolivia. José teaches Bird Systematics at the Universidad Mayor de San Simón and Introduction to Environmental Sciences and Conservation Biology in the Universidad Simón I. Patiño in Cochabamba and also coordinates several conservation projects focused on the conservation of threatened species. Jose has guides numerous groups of travelers, scientists and students in field trips throughout Bolivia. 

Steffen has worked in Bolivia since 1993. He was responsible for coordinating the The Nature Conservancy's Bolivia Program’s scientific projects and was in charge of the completion of several ecoregional conservation plans for the country. He has also worked as the Conservancy's Science Director for the Southern Andes Region (Peru, Chile, Bolivia & Argentina). Steffen is well known among Bolivia’s natural science community, having worked with Bolivian researchers at national museums in La Paz, Cochabamba and Santa Cruz. He has more than 40 peer reviewed publications to his credit. He has worked in almost all of Bolivia’s national parks and has described several amphibian, reptile, and plant species that were new to science. He is author of several field guides of amphibians, reptiles, birds and butterflies and is a member of the IUCN Amphibian Specialist Group.

Stephen Taranto, MSc Interdisciplinary Ecology

Stephen's speciality in the Andean region is agro-biodiversity and the management and use of biodiversity by local communities and in Bolivia's cities and popular culture. He has carried out research and designed and led numerous courses and expeditions exploring the relationships between people and Andean biodiversity in six of Bolivia's major eco-region and has a deep understanding of Andean social organization and the pressures on cultural and natural landscapes. Stephen is also director of Tarapari Biodiversity Garden, located in the Yungas Cloud Forest town of Chulumani. Tarapari organizes a diversity of programs  such as nature-themed murals, visits by school children and teachers to Tarapari, training programs for local teachers and eco-tourism guides.  

Languages: Spanish, English 

Sendas Altas SRL 2013, all rights reserved

Andes Amazon Biodiversity Expeditions are designed and operated by Sendas Altas, SRL.

400 Prolongacion Posnanski

Miraflores, La Paz


Tel. +591-71543918


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